Joseph and Hyrum: In life they were not divided, in death they were not separated
These plaques line the walk up to the jail
The Carthage Jail
The window through which Joseph Smith was shot and through which he fell
The stairs the mob stormed up to the room where Joseph and Hyrum were being held and where they were both assassinated
Dickson Mounds is a mound group or a mound site, which contains many mounds. The actual Dickson Mound was located on the property of a man by the name of Dickson. A great work of research was accomplished and many hundred of skeletons were uncovered, but the American Indian moved in to have them all covered back up. It is estimated that through out the United States millions of mounds once existed. The American Indian believed that burring an individual under ground was putting them into the devil's realm; for that reason they placed the body on the ground and then covering them under a mound of earth, which put the person in God''s realm. Hundreds of bodies were often buried in one mound along with what must have been personal possessions.
This is a Buffalo skeleton. It was uncovered from the edge of the Mississippi in deep mud. Due to the lack of oxygen its bones did not disintegrate, once uncovered they nearly immediately begun to dissolve until they could be stabilized
The following photos show the vast amount of land where many, many mounds either still remain or where they used to be until they were destroyed. Look close and you can see mounds rising above the landscape
The following photos is of our walk up to Zelph's mound. It is called Zelph due to a vision Joseph Smith had. According to the story as recorded in the journals of those present. Joseph Smith and a large group of men were in the middle of what is known as Zion's Camp, a large group of men being led to reclaim the homes and property of Saints who had been driven from their homes. Along the route, Joseph felt impressed to hike up the side of a nearby hill. As he and a small group of men hiked up the hill they came upon a large mound; they hiked up to the top of the mound and there found 3 alters. At that time the Spirit of the Lord descended upon Joseph where he received an impression to have the men begin to dig in the earth. After only digging down a foot or so they dug up a nearly intact skeleton, in the ribs of the skeleton was a arrow point. At that moment the Spirit descended upon Joseph once again and he saw in vision who this person was. He stated to his brethren that the name of the man was Zelph, a white Lamanite, a righteous man who was under the command of Onendagus (spelling is incorrect). He was killed in a large battle in the area during the time of Nephites' demise and buried there in that mound.
The mound just above us
Climbing up to the very top
At the top, below is the slight depression where some excavation occurred
Very steep cliff
It was discovered that Zelph had once suffered a broken leg; this is a reproduction of his thigh bone
This is a reproduction of the arrow point which was found in his rib
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